Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let's Make like an air freshener and get Oust a here!

Ahh... Monsieur Decisions. We meet again. What shall it be this time? Stay at crappy job-albeit well paying jobby job? Or put on my purple plastic rimmed glasses and go back to school and again drown myself in a sea of textbooks?

Oh win! You always do.

You know what they always say, when the goin gets tough, Gwen goes back to school. So fellow Basin-ites, I shall being seeing you faster than you can ask why! (Actually no, not that fast.)
And for the record: Call Center for Customer Service is not my forte. Just for future reference.

4 Words to Your Mother:

Carolyn said... are going away? But, that is just not fair!

Anonymous said...

Yea for school and yea for Gwenny coming back...oh how we missed you. You're young, so young my papa didn't make master tinker until...hee, hee. See you sooner than later. Nette

Justin and Cassara Cutler said...

I love that you are going back to school...just like me...and your right, school always wins...its unfortunate...

Sarai Stones said...

I love your blog! I just found it and you crack me up girly!