Thursday, September 11, 2008

"I like me, and you should too!": Secret Life of Gwen

101 Fun Factoids about me:

1. I have chapstick stashed everywhere for those just in case moments.

2. I read. A lot. For fun. And enjoy it.

3. I am an impeccable speller. I'm my own spell check :)

4. In text messages I always punctuate, have correct capital letters, and use proper grammar.
5. I could eat home made macaroni and cheese for the rest of my life and be a-ok with that.

6. I have snowmobiled my entire a co-pilot. I very seldom get to drive.

7. I have had 4 serious surgeries to fix the same problem.

8. I have pretty much had the same friends since kindergarten.

9. I am not as blind as my glasses say I am. No material thing can imprison me. NEVER!

10. I went through a controversial tom-boy phase in the 4th grade where I had long blonde hair that I curled or did something with every day, but dressed like a boy. Oh forward to present day...still haven't grown out of it!

11. I could never wear jeans again in my life and die happy.

12. I used to have bottle cap glasses.

13. On those bottle cap glasses I used to have a Mickey/Minnie Mouse applique in the bottom corner of my glasses. My mom said it looked cool.

14. I like shoes. I won't disclose how many I own, but I will have you know that I wear all of them on a regular basis.

15. My mom believes in jewelry, and when she is no longer with us, I will too.

16. The last time I went paint-balling, I got shot in a tender place, cried my eyes out, ran away, and have never gone back.

17. I don't usually drink pop, unless it's my only option.

18. I can share shoes with my oldest sister, but not my other one.

19. My sister that I can't share shoes with and I steal clothes back and forth from each other.

20. I can't hide anything in my sock drawer...because it is entirely full of socks.

21. My first car was a tan 1979 Nissan Pick-up. I was ridin' dirty.

22. In the fall/winter months I like making bread and other comfort foods.

23. My first crush was Christian Slater.

24. I loved him because I saw him in Kuffs.

25. I hate pink.

26. The only vegetable I like are cucumbers.

27. I eat all the corners off of my sandwich first.

28. I only eat chunky peanut butter.

29. I never put on lotion.

30. I am terrible with art, but have a deep appreciation for it.

31. I'm OCD, but not very organized.

32. I won't wash my car unless I have time to clean my tires and wax it.

33. I thoroughly enjoy reading Shakespeare.

34. My favorite play is Much Ado About Nothing.

35. Sometimes I think I should have been born in the 19th century.

36. I love big ball gowns and getting dressed up.

37. Whenever something emotionally straining happens in my life, I change my hairstyle to cope.

38. I like reading deep, in depth books that make you think.

39. I never scream when I get scared.

40. My eyes vary in shades of blue in accordance with my mood. If I've been crying, my eyes are light blue/turquoise.

41. I really love camping.

42. I would rather bicycle for 1 hours than run for 20 minutes.

43. I am actually related to Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula.

44. My biggest fear is getting into trouble.

45. I usually feel guilty about things I do, and constantly worry that I'm being selfish with my decisions.

46. I have never broken a bone, but totally want to try crutches.

47. I always get hit with a ball or otherwise injured whenever I play a sport. Contact or not.

48. I usually wear socks to bed.

49. I love driving a stick shift.

50. I love mowing the lawn.

51. The songs on my playlists are never of the same genre. One rock, one contemporary, one country, one 80's hair band, etc.

52. My CTR ring is molded to the shape of my finger.

53. I can't ride a bicycle on gravel. I suppose I possess the ability, I just had a bad experience and try to avoid it at all costs.

54. I have an extremely good memory.

55. I only read books once.

56. I only watch movies once.

57. I love chivalry, but I don't always feel the need to have everything constantly done for me.

58. I'm not a feminist, but I think women should have equal rights, a voice, and be able to make their own decisions.

59. My closet is color coordinated, then sorted by sleeve length and style.

60. I love getting muddy.

61. I was never attached to a blanket or needed a pacifier when I was little.

62. I've milked a goat and helped birth kids-goat talk for "baby".

63. I've been on the front page of the newspaper.

64. Driven in excess of 100 mph.-Sorry Mom

65. I've hiked to hot springs while my leg was bleeding out.

66. I'm very good at understanding other languages even though I'm not fluent in any other than English.

67. I've shaved my dog like a lion.

68. I've shot a cow-my own-with a paintball gun.

69. I've taped a cats foot pads to see what would happen.

70. I've rocked a baby to sleep.

71. I'm pretty good at woodshop and have carved out and shaped a dolphin and dog.

72. I'm very considerate and thoughtful. (I hope)

73. I am an excellent tipper at restaurants.

74. I have really good hand eye coordination and rhythm, although I am not a very good pianist.

75. I chew the sides of my nails when I get nervous.

76. I don't like wearing hats, mostly because I think I look like a boy-which is not intended.

77. I don't put butter on my toast or french toast.

78. I could live off cereal I love it so much and did for a while in college voluntarily .

79. I won Young Writers 3 times.

80. My middle name is Breyette (bree-yet). I have yet to meet anyone with that name.

81. I love reading poetry, especially when I don't understand it because then I can interpret it to my life and it means so much more.

82. I've been stung my lots of bees at one time, just like the boy in My Girl.

83. I'm very self conscious about my height.

84. Laughed until I cried.

85. I know how to crochet and cross-stitch.

86. Practiced a sport for more than 6 hours straight.

87. I lose sense of reality more often than I should.

88. I've choked down something really gross, so I wouldn't be rude or seem like a high maintenance, picky eater.

89. My toenails (I hate that word by the way) are always painted.

90. I am convinced that I will be my mother.

91. Hidden because I was terrified.

92. I keep a list of thought provoking, inspirational, and meaningful quotes in my phone.

93. I like most songs because I can identify with the lyrics.

94. For my sweet 16, I was at the worst girls camp location, but that was the most memorable year.

95. I never wear watches, and actually don't own one.

96. I love exotic, beautiful jewelry from other countries.

97. The best advice I've ever gotten is: To never cry over someone who isn't willing to cry over you. Courtesy of Lauren Conrad from The Hills.

98. I used to not like my name and asked my mom if I could change it. She said give it time. Now I think I like it.

99. I really enjoy biology topics and classes, but don't do very well in them.

100. It takes me 30-45 minutes to eat one orange. It gives me the willies to eat the skin and stringy things.

101. I like sitting alone in silence.

2 Words to Your Mother:

Carolyn said...

I remember your glasses!!!! They were so amazing Gwen. Hahaha

Emily Katlyn West said...
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